Executive Franchise Business: Top 30 Franchise Executives 2021

Originally Published Apr 1, 2021

Number 29:

Number 29 in the Executive Franchise Business Top 30 Franchise Executive Report

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“I really want to prove that socially responsible enterprises that place their employees’ interests and engagement front of mind can produce compelling commercial opportunities! Capitalism isn’t bad, it just needs to be more empathetic.”

So says Jonathan Moody, who embraced this approach during Covid, flipping the franchise model on its head to refocus on the value the business provided franchises. The new improved business model saw the removal of exit fees, a huge reduction to the cost of entering a franchise, and the development of a solid model where franchises can benefit from national marketing and have access to business coaching and support.

For current franchisees, fees were reduced, some were provided with rent relief, and the swift introduction of a telehealth system proved to be a commercially savvy move, with a 30 per cent rise in business reported.

Jonathan recognised the need for an operations chief, and made an internal appointment which has been a real success, he says. The biggest lesson learned has been a simple one. A calm, listening approach and positive energy leads to great teamwork.

Jonathan oversaw the donations of goods to needy clients and set up business support groups open to all local business owners, not just franchisees, in Physio Inq neighbourhoods.

On a personal level, exploring local trails and spending time with his young family helped combat isolation, he says.

“Family is why we are all here, I truly believe we are here to interact, grow and develop ourselves with our families. I really enjoyed getting back into board games and card games, with young children – these are moment in time that I will cherish.

“We as leaders need to recognise that we can be powerful mentors that influence not just workplaces, but families.”

This article was originally published in Executive Franchise Business for their Top 30 Franchise Executives 2021

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