Let’s Talk: Fatherhood – reflections, insights and dad jokes

Originally Published Sep 10, 2021

Written by Clare Loewenthal for Dynamic Business.com

fatherhood reflections and insights
Image source: Bermix Studio on Unsplash

As we struggle through a wave of uncertainty, we need to remember what’s important. Dynamic Business moves the spotlight from business achievements to the handing down of wisdom, pandemic parental hacks and dad jokes, in time to celebrate Father’s Day.

Dr Eamonn McCarthy, CEO of Lighthouse Foundation

fatherhood reflections and insights

What is the best life advice that your father has given you?
That every person, regardless of their background or position in life, should be treated with the same level of respect and dignity. I’ve carried this with me throughout my career- particularly while working with vulnerable youth, whose challenging childhood experiences could have only ever added to my respect for them regardless of their presentation or behaviour.

What is the best business advice that your father has given you?
To take in all the advice, suggestions and expertise from those with more ‘business experience’ than you have, but never at the cost of your own authenticity. It’s always possible to incorporate both.

What advice do you want to pass onto your children?
What my father passed along to me really- don’t ever make assumptions about a person, ‘who they are’ or what they have to contribute. Everyone deserves respect and dignity, and this should not be given out in different portions according to status or personal preference.

Do you have any lockdown parenting hacks?
My hack is the same ‘circle of care’ philosophy that we follow here at Lighthouse Foundation- to make sure that you’re as mindful of your own mental health and wellbeing, as you are of everyone else’s in the family. Like our Lighthouse carers, if parents forget to focus on their own self-care, it’s going to become increasingly difficult for them to give quality care to others. So, try to be conscious of this during lockdown and most importantly, be kind to yourself.  
The Royal Children’s Hospital have just released a fantastic webinar that focuses on helping parents protect their children’s mental health during lockdown. It’s definitely worth a watch in my opinion.

How are you planning on celebrating Father’s Day?
Not too dissimilar from all the other Melbourne dads out there this year- we’ll be celebrating at home. My silver lining this year will be some uninterrupted family time with my amazing wife and my beautiful 6 and 3 year-old daughters.

What’s your best dad joke?
Do you want to hear a dirty joke? … A boy fell in the mud. 
What’s long, brown and sticky? …. A stick.
Although, I think the real joke here is those are the best I could come up with.

Jonathan Moody, CEO and founder, Physio Inq

fatherhood reflections and insights

What is the best life advice that your father has given you?
Best advice my dad (Keith) has ever given to me has been through his actions mostly! Dad was always a strong father figure, who had a great balance of discipline and fun in the household. He was relentless in helping out with sport and demonstrating that one of the most powerful ways you can love your family is by showing, not just telling. He wasn’t the most outwardly emotional person but would demonstrate his love by being involved. 

What is the best business advice that your father has given you?
Be confident in your decision making and be assertive with an understanding of balancing people’s competing desires.  

What advice do you want to pass onto your children?
Experience as much as you can, never pass up an opportunity for a new experience.

Do you have any lockdown parenting hacks?
Children need exercise, the saying ‘a tired child is a happy child’ is never more true than in lockdown. Getting out first thing in the morning makes the school day go well, in the afternoon it makes the evening dinner and bedtime go smoother. Without exercise, lockdown is just a diabolical disaster.

How are you planning on celebrating Father’s Day?
One thing I have really learned through Covid is to enjoy the simple things. This might mean waking up, having bacon and eggs with my darling Emily and the kids, as well as a morning walk to the park has been a blessing. Hopefully, the weather means this is how I can enjoy Father’s Day this year. Either that or play arcades on our new retro arcade machine. The boys love it!

What’s your best dad joke?
A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender says, “We have a drink named after you”. The grasshopper replies “What, Kevin?”

Click here to read the full article

This article was originally published by Clare Loewenthal for Dynamic Business.com

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